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IN-spire'd program

Empowering you to embrace presence, cultivate resilience, and LIVE more fully.

3 months of learning and embodying healthier responses to stress through science backed breathwork and mindfulness.


Break away from autopilot and cultivate the power to CHOOSE your attitude in any given circumstance.

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What we


A personalized resilience toolkit and plan

progress tracking

Weekly zoom calls to check-in, asses progress, and implement following week's protocols


More clarity around core values and your greater purpose


Understanding of how to feel contentment and ease, even during challenges. 

breathwork & resilience course

Breathwork and Mindfulness for Resilience course with 5 chapters and lots of bonus content you will have lifetime access to.


A healthier relationship to stress through a mindful mindset.

12 wk investment:


Image by Philippe Auriach

“Inviting our thoughts and feelings into awareness allows us to learn from them rather than be driven by them.”

― Daniel J. Siegel

I joined Franci’s meditation group seeking to encourage and enhance growth in my meditation practice. I was looking for suggestions and cues to deepen my practice. What I found is an inviting, deeply compassionate guide in Franci. She presents herself and her offerings in a relatable and sincere manner that comes from a person intimately involved in the practice and committed to providing the understanding and knowledge she has gained in a translatable and palatable format. She facilitates discovery and I am deeply grateful for her generosity.

Antonio Romo, USA

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